Merchant management

Revio allows platform providers to set up their merchants on the API. This is useful for payment service providers or marketplaces that need full control of new merchant sign-up.

Getting going

The following is required to operate as a platform provider using the Revio API:

  • Standard Bank Profile Code and credit limits
  • Standard Bank processing account (for real-time settlement)
  • PASA Registration as TPPP
  • Revio verification and approval

Getting going

To set up a new client (Merchant), the following steps are required:

  1. Get your client profile (provided by the Revio support team)
  2. Add merchant profile (requires that the merchant abbreviated name is registered with PASA)

Get Master Merchant profile

Merchant profiles are used to store your specific banking configuration as a platform provider.

Integration Recipe/v2/merchantprofile/
API ReferenceReference
Content-type : application/json

// As generated in Post

From this profile you can create new merchant profiles. The following fields need to be unique:

  • Profile Code
  • Account Number
  • Instruments
  • Bank Abbreviated Name

Create merchant profile

Integration Recipe/v2/merchantprofile/
API ReferenceReference

POST /v2/merchantprofile

// content-type : json
// Example

    "profileCode" : "TEST1",
    "bank" : "STANDARDBANK",
    "instruments" : ["EFTONEDAY", "EFTTWODAY", "EFTSAMEDAY", "DEBICHECK"],
    "name" : "TEST MERCHANT 1",
    "accountNumber" : "12345678",
    "branchCode" : "051001",
    "abbreviatedName" : "TESTMERCH1",
    "contactNumber" : "+27-615333440",
    "emailAddress" : "",
    "currency" : "ZAR",
    "entryClass" : "21",
    "clientId" : "247"
Content-type : application/json

Field notes

Profile CodestringFrom applicable Master merchant profile
BankstringBank name (STANDARDBANK)
NamestringMerchant name registered at bank
Account NumberstringAccount number registered at bank (TPPP clients to be provided with account number)
Instrumentsstring[]An array of collection/payment instruments used by this merchant profile. Accepted values are EFTONEDAY, EFTTWODAY, EFTSAMEDAY and DEBICHECK
Branch CodestringBranch code associated with account number
Abbreviated NamestringAbbreviated name registered at bank
Contact NumberstringPhone number of merchant
Email AddressstringEmail Address of merchant
CurrencystringOnly "ZAR" accepted
Entry ClassstringOnly "21" accepted
Client IdstringMaster merchant Id provided to you by the Revio support team

After successfully setting up your merchant profile, you are good to go! 🎉