Going live

Key success critera

Before going live, merchants will need to have the following in place:

  • Confirmed processing model (SO/TPPP or TPPP Hybrid)
  • Completed KYB and KYC process
  • Authorised PASA-approved abbreviated name and/or profile code
  • Signed MSA including:
    • Transactional and service pricing
    • Approved processing limits

Time to market

Each processing model has different requirements that impact time to market.

ModelRequirementsEstimated time frame
Systems operator model (SO)Standard Bank account4-6 weeks
Approved credit limits (Standard Bank)2-4 weeks
Profile code creation and testing (Standard Bank/Revio)4-6 weeks
PASA vetting and abbreviated name approval2-3 weeks
End-to-end testing8 weeks
Total duration8 weeks
Third-party payment model (TPPP)Any bank account0 weeks
Approved credit limits (Revio)1 week
PASA vetting and abbreviated name approval2-3 weeks
End-to-end testing2 weeks
Total duration3 weeks
Third-party payment model (TPPP-hybrid)Standard Bank account2-3 weeks
Approved credit limits (Revio)1 week
PASA vetting and abbreviated name approval2-3 weeks
End-to-end testing2 weeks
Total duration3 weeks

The only processing model available to platform providers is SO.


Fast-track time to market

In order to avoid delays in going live, reach out to your Revio account manager as soon as possible to initiate the onboarding process

Onboarding documentation and information requirements

Business structure

Information requiredNotes
Nature of businesse.g. Insurer, Media, Financial Institution
Company CIPC registration documents
Proof of business addressNot older than three months. Examples include lease agreement, municipal statement
Copy of SARS document confirming Income Tax / VAT registration number for company
Resolution on company letterhead signed by all directors nominating authorised signatory/representative
Resolution on who is the authorised signatory/representative
Company shareholding structure
Copy of ID of authorised signatory/representative and/or CEO, each director
Signatory Proof of AddressNot older than three months. See proof of address above
Key contact phone number
Key contact email address

Banking information

Information requiredNotes
Current bank
Proof of bank accountFor settlement purposes. Not older than 3 months

Collection processing history - if merchant is currently processing debit orders

Information requiredNotes
Current client/member/subscriber baseCount e.g. 140,000
Proof of bank accountFor settlement purposes
Current processing bank
Current processing modelSO/TPPP
Payment methods requiredEFT debit order, DebiCheck, EFT payments
Provide a statement from your current payment processor
Unique descriptor/short code required (displayed on customers' bank statements)e.g. AcmeInsurance, Netflix
Current/Expected electronic payment volumes (per month)Count e.g. 140,000
Total payment limit required (R'000)
Total average value of payments per month (Current/Expected)
Batch limit request (R'000)Total value of payments per batch (if EFT debit order)
Minimum per payment value (R'000)
Maximum per payment value (R'000)

Settlement options

Information requiredNotes
Settlement frequencyDaily/Monthly
Split settlements requiredOption to split settle transactions to multiple bank accounts

Other signed documentation required

Information requiredNotes
Bank consent form to provide business information to PASATo be provided