EFT debit order mandates & collections

EFT debit orders (or "standard debit orders") serve as a convenient facility through which merchants can collect funds from customers' bank accounts, requiring minimal effort from customers. This is achieved by obtaining the customers' written, electronic, or recorded voice approval to debit their account.

In South Africa, EFT debit orders are subject to rigorous regulations to ensure responsible and fair practices. However, for merchants who adhere to these regulations and responsibly collect payments from customers, EFT debit orders are cost-efficient payment instruments for collecting recurring revenue.

By leveraging EFT debit orders, merchants can establish a streamlined payment process that promotes customer convenience while enabling consistent revenue collection. This mutually beneficial arrangement simplifies transactions, enhances financial stability, and fosters positive business-customer relationships.

Creating an EFT debit order collection

To create an EFT debit order collection instruction using Revio, follow these three steps:

Create an EFT MandateBegin by setting up an EFT mandate with the customer. This involves obtaining the necessary authorisation from the customer to debit their bank account. Ensure that all required information, such as account details and authorisation, is accurately captured during this process.
Create a Collection InstructionOnce the EFT mandate is established, create a collection instruction in Revio. Provide the relevant details, including the customer's account information, the collection amount, payment reference, and the desired collection date (either for same-day or dated collection).
Verify StatusAfter submitting the collection instructions, you can use Revio to verify their status. This allows you to track and monitor the progress of the collection, ensuring that it is processed correctly. Keep an eye on the status updates provided by Revio to stay informed about the collection status or any potential issues.

Step1: Create EFT Mandate

Integration Recipe/v2/mandate/eft
API ReferenceReference

Sample request

  "defaultServiceType": "ONEDAY",
  "profileCode": "TEST1",
  "externalReference": "12345678911",
  "abbreviatedName": "TESTMERCH1",
  "contractReference": "12345678",
  "debtor": {
    "accountNumber": "010553922",
    "accountType": "CURRENT",
    "bank": "ABSA",
    "branchCode": "632005",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Postman",
    "identification": {
      "emailAddress": "john@email.com",
      "idNumber": "2001014800086",
      "phoneNumber": "+27-12345678",
      "passportNumber": ""
  "creditor": {
    "accountNumber": "12345678",
    "accountType": "CURRENT",
    "branchCode": "051001",
    "name": "TEST MERCHANT 1",
    "bank": "STANDARDBANK",
    "phoneNumber": "+27-615333440",
    "emailAddress": "test@test.com",
    "idNumber": "4101014800082"
  "releaseDate": "2024-06-05T09:54:04.221Z",
  "firstCollectionDate": "2023-06-06T09:54:04.221Z",
  "firstCollectionAmountCents": 2500,
  "state": "NEW",
  "frequency": "MONTHLY",
  "ultimateCreditor": {
    "accountNumber": "12345678",
    "accountType": "CURRENT",
    "branchCode": "051001",
    "name": "TEST MERCHANT 1",
    "bank": "STANDARDBANK",
    "phoneNumber": "+27-615333440",
    "emailAddress": "test@test.com",
    "idNumber": "4101014800082"
  "entryClass": "21",
  "collectionDay": 6,
  "amountCents": 2500,
  "currency": "ZAR",
  "verifyAccount": false
Content-type : application/json

// As generated in Post https://dev-payce.auth.eu-west-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token

Field notes

bankNeeds to be uppercase and one word, e.g. STANDARDBANK
ultimateCreditorOnly required for split payments. See Settlement Management
creditorAll creditor fields can be returned via GET https://dev.api.revio.co.za/v2/merchantprofile/{{revio_provided_id}}/. 24 can be used for testing
entryClassAlways 21
verifyAccountA bank account verification request will be executed as part of the call if enabled. On failure, the mandate will not be created

Step2: Create EFT Collection from mandate

Integration Recipev2/collection/eft/from_mandate/
API ReferenceReference

Sample request

  "mandateId": "8f4a6b0f-fa9b-4f45-8e19-b75c1a70432a",
  "collectionDate": "2023-06-06T12:11:09.778Z",
  "amountCents": 3000,
  "externalReference": "12345678913",
  "serviceType": "ONEDAY"
Content-type : application/json

// As generated in Post https://dev-payce.auth.eu-west-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token

Field notes

mandateIdid generated when creating EFT mandate
externalReferencereference added when creating EFT mandate
creditorAll creditor fields can be returned via GET https://dev.api.revio.co.za/v2/merchantprofile/{{revio_provided_id}}/. 24 can be used for testing


As part of Revio's functionality, automatic reconciliation of collection results to the bank statement is implemented upon setup. This means that the system will automatically match and reconcile collection results with the corresponding entries on your bank statement.

To determine whether a collection result has been successfully reconciled, you can check the statement_id field associated with the collection result. This field provides an identifier that links the collection result to the corresponding entry on the bank statement, indicating successful reconciliation.

By leveraging this feature, you can ensure accurate and efficient reconciliation of collection results, allowing for streamlined financial tracking and management.

Bulk processing

Revio offers support for efficiently handling large datasets where performance is crucial. We can perform bulk CSV uploads to facilitate this, allowing you to create collection instructions in bulk. This streamlined process ensures efficient data processing, enabling you to manage and execute collections seamlessly.